FMG520 gear flow sensor is widely used in low flow precise measurement of various industries, applicable media: additive fuel, flotation cell for water treatment, corrosion inhibitor, catalyst, emulsifier, oil, grease, perfume, adhesive, solvent, ink and insecticide and some high viscosity media. Application industries include automobile, aviation, mining, electric power, chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, food industry, coating industry, petroleum industry, environmental protection industry, printing industry, etc. Especially suitable for flow measurement of heavy oil, polyvinyl alcohol, resin and other medium with high viscosity Small volume, light weight, small vibration and noise and stable operation. It can also be used to measure small flow of small diameter. Small initial flow, wide range ratio, suitable for measuring liquid flow with large variation. The measurement accuracy is not affected by pressure and flow change, stable performance, long service life and large flow capacity.
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