

Smart agriculture and smart farming

Smart agriculture, also known as precision agriculture or smart farming, is an innovative approach that utilizes advanced technologies to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of agricultural practices. It involves the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) with traditional farming techniques to optimize crop production, reduce resource wastage, and minimize environmental impact.

Agriculture and farming industry requirements

The agriculture and farming industry has various requirements to ensure efficient and sustainable operations. These requirements include quality control, environmental compliance, resource management etc. By meeting these requirements, the agriculture and farming industry can ensure responsible and sustainable practices while meeting the growing demand for food products.

Sustainable development

Sustainable development is necessary to drive the transition towards optimal agriculture and farming and create a greener and resilient energy system.

Innovation solutions

Agriculture and farming industry is actively seeking innovative solutions to address traditional and emerging threats to agriculture and farming.

Internet of things technology

By leveraging IoT, agriculture and farming industry can overcome various challenges and optimize their operations enables communication data gathering.

IoT Agricultural Sensors & Smart Farming Tracking

IoT agricultural sensors play a crucial role in smart farming by enabling farmers to track and monitor vital farming systems. These sensors can be used for various purposes such as soil moisture monitoring, water tank level monitoring, equipment tracking, and temperature monitoring.

Application examples

Smart agriculture and smart aquaculture utilizes technologies such as IOT, wireless sensors, and data analytics to optimize agriculture practices. They contribute to improved agriculture and aquaculture safety, irrigation monitoring, and grain bin monitoring, among other applications.

Smart agriculture and smart sensors

Smart agriculture

Smart agriculture monitoring sensors collected in real time and summarized into the central control system by a large number of sensing nodes deployed in target areas.
Smart aquaculture and smart sensors

Smart aquaculture

Smart aquaculture is a sustainable development trend that utilizes smart sensors and monitoring systems to improve efficiency and productivity in the aquaculture industry.

Bring innovation for your cases

In agriculture and farming industry, SenTec smart sensors provide complete cabin measurement system solutions in greenhouse, irrigation and aquaculture systems.

smart agriculture

Smart agriculture

Smart agriculture is a management concept focused on providing with the infrastructure to leverage advanced technology – including big data, the cloud and the IOT– for tracking, monitoring, automating and analyzing operations.

Smart Irrigation Systems

Smart irrigation

The intelligent irrigation system uses the IOT, big data, cloud computing and sensor technology to monitor the environmental temperature, humidity, light intensity, soil moisture in agricultural production in real time.


Intelligent aquaculture

The intelligent aquaculture solution realizes the automatic detection, transmission and reception of aquaculture regional environment (including water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, etc.)

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