The well pump pressure switch is a simple pressure control device which used to control the well pump pressure, so as to control the liquid level in well, so it also called well pressure switch or pressure switch for well pump. This article summarized frequently asked questions about Well Pump Pressure Switches. You may know more detail in the Well pump pressure switch article.
1.The well pump pressure switch cannot be turned on
Usually the pressure switch open with inducer on. If the well pressure switch not turning on, it may indicate that the tank pressure is higher than the switch’s on pressure. Try injecting some water elsewhere in the building to reduce the pressure below the critical water level.
You can also try tapping the pressure gauge, switch, and tank.
2.The well pump pressure switch will not be closed
There are several issues that can prevent the pressure control switch from closing. When this happens, be sure to turn off the power so that the pressure switch doesn’t burn out.
Please check the water supply in the well, and any leaks that may affect the pressure shutoff.
3.The well pump pressure switch cannot be turned on or off
If the well pump cannot produce the proper pressure, it will not indicate that well pressure switch clicking on and off. Before checking for pressure switch problems, in addition to check the pump, check the water pressure gauge to make sure it is working properly.
4.The well pump pressure switch is repeatedly clicked and closed
If your pump seems to be cycling (turning on and off repeatedly), there are some common causes of pressure switch open fault. One of the most common culprits is a blow-up balloon in the tank. You will need to replace this component and also inspect the adjustable pressure switch contacts to see if they are damaged by cycling.
A leak in the well system can cause the flashlight pressure switch to cycle rapidly, which can lead to breakage of the switch.
5.The well pump pressure sensor is blocked
If you live in an area with high mineral content or sediment in the water, the pressure switch sensor may be clogged.
Try cleaning the pipes that connect the transmission pressure switch to the water system. You may also need to clean the bottom of the pressure switch itself. However, if there is enough debris to cause a blockage, it is usually more economical to replace the pressure switch.
6. The diaphragm of the well pump pressure switch is damaged
The water in the water supply creates pressure on the diaphragm of the pressure switch to provide a pressure reading. When the diaphragm is too old, wear can prevent it from sensing the correct water pressure. Usually the well tank pressure switch lowes than actual pressure. Generally, you can also compare with other fieldpiece manometer and pressure switch tester test value. If the pressure switch tester proves sensor damaged, it’s time to buy a replacement pressure switch.
Read more about manual approach to pressure switch testing

7.The connection of the well pump pressure switch fails
A switch failure may indicate a problem elsewhere in the system. For example, if the pipe is the wrong size, it can lead to a leaky connection. This will prevent the pressure switch from working effectively.
Check the pipe to make sure you are using the correct diameter for the them. Look for any leaks or signs that your plumbing is not suitable for the pressure switch.
8.Bad contact for well pump pressure switch
The electrical contacts in pressure tank switching on and off degrade over time. Frequent cycling of switching power supplies and the presence of corrosive substances are two common causes.
You can temporarily water pressure switch adjustment by repair the contacts by removing the affected area, although be sure to remove all power to the pump before proceeding. For a more permanent fix, you’ll need to replace the switch.
9.Water leaks from internal mechanisms
If you notice water leaking under the pressure switch housing or from the switch itself, try tightening the switch’s plumbing connections by turning the brass fitting clockwise with a plumber’s pliers. If there are still experiencing leaks by adjusting well pressure switch, you may have an internal mechanism leak, which means the pressure switch needs to be replaced.
The above 9 are the common problems of pressure switches. If you have any questions or other questions, please call our engineers for consultation.
An overview of the various mechanical pressure switches as well as further technical information can be found on the website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.