Wireless liquid level sensor (supporting test software, software with display, curve recording, data storage and other functions) is a wireless transmission type sensor newly developed by our company, which can be used for pressure, temperature, liquid level monitoring, using high-precision High stability resistance strain gauge/diffused silicon/ceramic as the pressure-sensitive chip of the transmitter, advanced patch technology, support point-to-point, point-to-multipoint, serial-to-serial applications, data transmission through wireless network, As long as there is a network, wireless monitoring can be realized. It is a wireless product developed mainly for the environment where it is inconvenient to pull cables on site.
wireless level transmitter working principle
The wireless submersible Hydostatic pressure level transmitter is based on the principle that the measured liquid static pressure is proportional to the height of the liquid. Piezoresistive effect using diffused silicon or ceramic sensitive elements. In order to achieve remote liquid level measurement by wireless connection. SenTec SLS3200 wireless liquid level sensor adopts micro-power wireless communication mode by built-in MCU, which can remotely display the level in real time on large-scale HD LCD display and transmit data through Ethernet or serial port With mature GFSK/Lora/4G/IOT network.

What are the wireless level sensor signal ?
At present, Sentec manufactured wireless liquid level transmitter sensor support 4 kinds of wireless signals, they are Lora, Lorawan, 4G, Nb-Iot.
What is the differences among the wireless signals, like Lora, Lorawan, 4G, Nb-Iot etc. ?
To simplify, there are 2 types signal monitoring format. One type is what we will use the wireless pressure transmitters and receivers (gateway) to read the data, usually by computer monitoring software to read all details, such as the Lora and LoraWan. Another type is the upload the monitoring to the cloud by SIM card to read data directly on phone or computer, rather than go through the gateway, this case we mostly see is 4G, Nb-Iot signal type.

How does SenTec wireless Lora level sensor/transmitter works ?
Let’s get a overview of SenTec Lora level sensor. SenTec Lora sensor manufacturer module based on Germany SEMTECH RF integrated chip with Low Power LAN wireless standard. The name of LoRa is Long Range Radio. Its biggest feature is that it can travel farther than other wireless methods under the same power consumption conditions, realizing the unity of low power consumption and long distance. It consumes 3-5 times longer than the traditional wireless radio communication distance.The LoRa modulation technology is adopted to realize on-site distributed multi-point IOT equipment monitoring and collection. The communication distance can reach 2km, and data from sensors, PLCs, smart meters, etc. can be passed through radio frequency.LoRa radio frequency is mainly used for multi-point and long-distance distributed sensor acquisition and transparent transmission of RS485 serial devices, instruments, and transmitters to the cloud platform.